No Offense, but . . .
You are doomed. Yup, we all are! You might not like to think about it, might not like to admit it, but it's true and as plain as the nose on your face: You are going to die. Everything you do, hope, think, dream, plan, and make will all one day be for naught. You think you will be remembered for something? Try again. Sure, you might be the "lucky one" and be remembered like Jesus was, or Rama, or Mohammed, but who remembers Ahmed, Sanjay, and Jimbo? No one, that's who. You might get real lucky and have a huge funereal temple built around your slowly rotting corpse, a la Tutankhamun, but most likely, you'll end up in the ground in a quite unremarkable enterrement,or worse, your ashes will lie scattered in a million directions across the uncaring world. . . Maybe you think someone's great sacrifice will lead to immortality? I betcha Jesus wouldn't be too thrilled with what became of his teachings. You think he ever had the Pope Mobile in mind back i...