The Washingtonian Anti-Party

I'm so tired of the Democrats and Republicans and their stale positions on every single issue. I'm also tired of they ways both liberals and conservatives seem to download without question everything they watch or read or hear on the media serving their political mind-set. The way they parrot what they have heard, without questioning its validity, demonstrates a real lack of thought and skepticism on their parts, and this is most tiring of all.
Worse still is how the moment you state your view on something, these same people are just waiting, drooling to put you in one camp or the other. It's like they are thinking, "Now what is this guy, a liberal or conservative?" They immediately want to see if you are friend or foe, and if you happen to have a view they deem in one camp or the other, they shove you into that camp and commence treating you like one of "them," ending even the chance of a meaningful conversation.
Neither party represents me.
Nor does any "side."
I think parties serve the detriment of this nation. I think the polemics that are manipulated and cynically employed only serve to obfuscate, alienate, and further keep us apart as Americans.
We have fallen far below the lofty heights envisioned for us by the hopes and aspirations of our founding fathers, chief among them being George Washington, who saw the development of parties as an ill omen for our future -- and rightly so!
Nowadays, service to our country is viewed by the left wing as being war-mongering and militaristic, whereas service to country is seen by the right wing as being a bunch of tree-hugging hippie nonsense.
What about seeing it the way Washington and Adams did? It is the duty of every citizen in a democracy to serve in some way towards the betterment of the whole -- not in some socialist way, and not in some new world order way, but simply as a participant in a nation that depends on participation for its continued success.
I want to be Washingtonian in that I want to adhere to no party platform or ideology. I don't wish to cling to easy stereotypes and talking points that serve selfish, power-hungry ends. And finally, I wish to serve my country, not for self-aggrandizement, but simply for the betterment of my country and the people it represents.
On what do I base my position on the issues of the day?
Not religion.
Not party platform.
Not Glenn Beck or Rachel Maddow.
I base my views on the constitution, and on a studied and well-read foundation upon which I base my opinions and positions.
And my views are not unshifting, just as the nature of this nation is not unshifting. I am open to dialogue and discussion, compromise and change.
Dogma will get us nowhere, and vitriol is mere noise, polluting and poisoning our country.
Enough is enough!!!


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