No, Toast Please.

Truth, Justice, Love? Are these the main philosophical ends of human strivings? Been reading a book about this - "Psychoanalysis and Religion". Fromm says that these are the main aims, and that religion should serve these aims to be a "good", non-"neurotic" religion.
I am not that deep.
I seek a full belly, a comfortable chair, an easily accessible remote control. Basic cable. Sure love is in there, but it is in the category of, "duh!" What is the main aim of human striving? Comfort, at best, survival, at worst.
This is served very well by religion, when religion isn't messing with people's minds, causing people to be gult-ridden, judgemental, fearful, paranoid, controlling, and hate-filled.
Being happy, well fed, comfortable physically, psychologically and emotionally, these are my aims; low though some may say.
What of genius? What of struggling to make things better? What of passion? These all have their place, but they are just the trappings of the human brain. We have developed this big-ol' cholesterol deposit in our heads and we think it is the end-all be-all. Where has it gotten us? Society? Technology? Longer life-spans? Big deal.
I think George Carlin has it right. We humans have been doomed since we first formed societies. Now it is just a matter of time.
In the mean time; between being - "badly" and nothingness, I'll continue to go through my life. Happy sometimes, not happy other times. Watching the History channel and Scientific Discovery, working on the house and being quite content with "Duh!"


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