Gosh-Darn Dirty, Lying Richard-Heads!!!

So Weiner actually DID send that tweet of his meat to a college student.
He also has done this many times before, both before and after he was married.
And he spent the last week or more lying about having done any of it???????
So here is why I am mad enough to say this jack-wagon has to be drummed out, driven out on a rail, if he doesn't do the right thing and resign.

He is a big, fat, public, petty, selfish liar. And, yeah, I know, "Aren't they all?"
True enough, and you might ask if I had the same attitude when Clinto went through this with Lewinsky.
What Clinton did was no less stupid, no less reprehensible, and no less pathetic --except that Clinton was presiding over the best economic boom in the history of the planet.
But when the country is in its second Great Depression, when the economic collapse has caused over 25 million Americans to have lost their jobs, some for over two years, when we are fighting two and a half wars, when the Republicans have every intention of doing nothing but make things worse, and Democrats, for the most part, have sat on their hands or stumbled fecklessly for the past ten years, Weiner cannot be forgiven this eggregious lapse of judgement.
Can you imagine if Roosevelt had been caught in a major scandal in 1934?
We are a nation in crisis; essentially, there is a war on; we stand at the precipice, in dire need of strong leadership, and this idiot goes and does something like this when his vociferous voice and staunch defense of liberal and progressive thinking are so important in equalizing the debate on which direction this country should head??? Unforgivable! What he has done is to demonstrate --ONCE AGAIN-- that this country's leaders are nothing more than lying, self-serving, cheating, probably criminally corrupt, and entirely untrustworthy perverts and hypocrites!!!
There are no leaders anymore. They are all a bunch of utterly immature, spoiled, priviledged, egotistical BRATS!
This does nothing but add to the negativity of the age, sinking our spirits ever deeper, when what we should be getting from our "leadership" is HOPE, INSPIRATION, and POSITIVITY!
So I have only one thing to say to people like Weiner, and Lee, and Arnie, and the host of others who can't keep it frickin' zipped:
Resign, you TWITS!


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