Gun Nut

Since I broke my leg, I've been casting about uselessly for something to do with myself now that my main hobby/obsession is impossible for me and may be thus for the rest of my life.
At the same time, I have a sizeable collection of guns I inherited from my father last year, so my long-standing interest in guns and shooting has naturally rekindled.
Recently this interest has kicked into high gear. I've been watching a ton of videos on Youtube, reading different websites, and logging onto gun and shooting websites galore.
I even went and took a concealed-carry class in order to get my CCW permit. Looked at different ccw guns and learned all I could about size, weight, calibre, mag-capacity, and overall cost.
Two Youtubers stood out for me in my search: Hickok45 and Nutnfancy. Both really know a great deal about guns, and both are interesting, entertaining, and inspiring to watch. Hickok is more of a shooter and down-to-earth kind of guy, whereas Nuntnfancy is more of a moral crusader of living life to its fullest and taking the second-amendment right to bear arms supremely seriously. Both influnced my views on guns and concealed carry.
So which gun did I decide upon for my ccw needs?
At first, I wanted to get a KelTec PF9. It is small, a pocket-carry gun, but it is a 9mm, which is as low calibre as I'm willing to go for ccw. It is also pretty cheap, so I was immediately interested with the wife being unemployed and all.
Next, and after a lot of research, I became interested in the Taurus, and then the Baretta, both in subcompact size, and both in .45 calibre. I figured if I could find a compact or subcompact gun, why not go in the larger calibre?
Then I watched a lot of vids by Hickok45 and became convinced that Glock was the way to go. Nutnfancy also admires the Glock, calling the G30 a powerhouse or some such thing. Perhaps he said, "freight train"? I can't recall and I'm too lazy at this late hour to look it up.
So I traded a Czeck CZ75 and a S&W .38 for a G30 at a local gun shop.
Been to the range a couple of times, shot about 400 rounds through it at 7, 14, and 25 yards, and I'm happy to say I made a great choice, even if I am still learning about this gun, how it works, and how to shoot it consistently. I can hit the target at various ranges, but not exactly where I am aiming. But then, this is a process, a learning curve, and I'm enjoying it immensely!
Will I go back to riding?
Hard to say.
Wife is against it.
REALLY against it.
But it is so in my blood, I'm not sure I want to give it up.
I'm still in pain, so I will wait on it a while more and think. Maybe I'll even ride a bit to see if the thrill is still there. Until then and in the meantime, I'm going to keep on shooting and learning and trying to recover.


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