
I'm tired of being embarrassed, ashamed and confused by my country. Each day it seems to get even worse, too. And this obsession we have in this country of labelling people as conservative or liberal, republican or democrat - it's utterly absurd, and ultimately, hurtful to the entire nation.

There seems to be no room in the national discussion for people who don't identify entirely with one side or the other. Actually, it isn't even a discussion anymore, it is a constant, nerve-wracking, mud-slinging, evil debate, with only one goal in mind - power.

We've lost the purpose of government. We've lost the ideal of participation. We've lost our sense of belonging to a greater whole. Nowadays, we all feel like we are entirely divorced from the forces which dominate our lives. We don't really even care anymore, unless we are terrified into making knee-jerk reactions.

Where did America go?

I want to live in a country I can be proud of again, a place I feel my participation is valued and has some kind of positive impact. I want to be able to say that this country is revered by the world for the good examples it sets. I want to say that we Americans are still aspiring to the high ideals set out by our founding fathers, and by subsequesnt great leaders our country has produced.

But all of this is impossible these days. My country pre-emptively invaded another country. My country has thumbed its nose at the world, and has forced its power on other countries too weak to stand up to us. My country is sending people far and wide to fight and die for causes they no longer understand.

This country has become a collection of self-obsessed, greedy, self-righteous, fearful, fear-mongering, increasingly ignorant and intollerant fools. We go about our day-to-day business, not really caring about what happens in the world, in our country and even in our own communities, until it is too late, and we are personally effected by something - prompting us to vociferous complaint, punitive action, and short-lived participation. We are a nation of armchair quarterbacks.

How many of us actually examine our own beliefs to see how much of it is founded on truth? How many of us think critically about the issues? How many of us think that it is incumbent upon us all to participate in our communities, our democracy? How many citizens in this country view service to one another as a valued part of what it means to be an American, a human being?

The problems are so deeply rooted that all I can do is stupidly stutter about them in futile attempt to voice what so many of us feel: that we are a shameful bunch of spoiled, selfish ignoramuses, and our country has lost its way entirely.

I know this is obvious, and I know this is limited and basically not well-thought out, but it is a beginning of thought, and it will grow, take shape, and hopefully, lead to some coherent idea that can help find a way to the inspiration it will take to affect some positive change.

I'm just sick of all of the ridiculousness I see everywhere I look.
I just want to say, "Stop it! Wake up! Stop being such an idiot! Do something instead of complaining!"

Towards this end, in addition to voting (as if that does any good with the "choices" we have), I have joined the neighborhood boards where I have lived. I figure, I can at least try.


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