Trip to Rocky Mount

Being that I've put 3,000 miles on my new Harley since June, I thought it wise to check with the dealer to make sure what all had been done on my bike before they sold it to me. I called the dealership in Rocky Mount, and - lo and behold, nothing at all had ever been done!
They sold me a motorcycle without ever having changed the oil or even inspecting it! When this oversight was discovered, the service man immediately offered to do it for free. I was very satisfied by this offer, and I immediately took him up on it.
Today, after a long and boring drive home from Lillington in my VW Golf, I hopped on my Road King and quickly set off for Rocky Mount.
What a great ride! The temperature was barely 66 degrees, the sun was shining, the sky was clearing out after yesterday's rain, and the leaves were in the midst of their yearly color-dance. It was magnificent!
Mindfull of the cooler weather, and of the fact that I'd be doing 70 mph or more up route 64, I dressed in layers, topping off with a thick wool sweater and my skull- and-crossbones jacket. As it turned out, my choice of clothing was perfect! The whole way up to Rocky Mount, I felt entirely comfortable! In fact, the only "complaint" I can think of was the wind. It was gusting pretty hard out there!
Once at the dealership, I again became enthralled by all the stuff they sell there! I was like a crack addict, in the midst of some sick, sublime crack store from Hell! Everything beckoned to me from all around: new bikes ("mmmm, 96 cubic inch v-twin!!!!"), clothes, accessories!! And outside, they were even hosting a mini-rally!
Everyone I met was quite friendly and very polite. I have found the "biker code," with its head-nods, and low, hand-waves, seems to harken back to a more chivalrous era. Contrary to what I always thought, they are an open and inviting group of people, all of whom share in the same love - The Road.
Today was one of those days I want to keep in the ol' memory vault!