The past four years have been among the most difficult years of my entire life, and things don't look to get any better for the forseeable future. Culturally, I have not found the ability to assimilate. In my chosen calling, I feel frustration and anger at the utter lack of professionalism. In the purpose for which I came to this mistake in the Pacific, things are no better. Disillusionment is the norm, all around.

For these reasons, I am forced to apologize to those I love for not having spoken with any of them in months. I have been so constantly upset that my health has suffered, both physical and mental. The solution to this present state of affairs is still unacceptible to me, so I continue in this supremely difficult life I have chosen. There may come a time when I am better able to deal with things, and I am still trying to find ways of coping that will bring that time closer, but for now, it is a struggle.

Normally, I try to follow the old saying, "if you have nothing good to say, say nothing." However, being that this is my "webpage", and I am wont to rant and rave, I shall share with everyone a list of annoyances I came up with after the latest confrontation with the ignorant and racist locals who inhabit this vapid tourist destination.

Concerning only the hell that is the place which should unquestionably be my solace,
here is the list:

1. Kids of all ages stomping through our yard, at all hours, breaking things and killing plants.
2. Punk-asses in crappy little rice racers with the bass on the stereo pumped all the way up, listening to ghetto music and acting all street, when they know nothing of the mean streets that music came from.
3. Kids drinking, smashing bottles, vandalizing the school next to the park and screaming at the top of their lungs at all hours.
4. Crazy people, possibly hopped up on crystal meth, screaming gibberish in the darkness of the park at night.
5. Cars pulling in and out of that damend park all night, the assholes doing god knows what while they are over there.
6. Used condoms and empty beer bottles are found almost every morning.
7. Homeless people living in the public restroom and in their cars in the park.
8. Guys on big dirt bikes ripping up the grass of the park as they tear through, their engines defeaning to the ear.
9. Racist insults such as: "How long you live here!?" "Haole Bitch!" "Go back to the mainland!" hurled at my wife whenever she goes out to yell at the inconsiderate assholes making too much damned noise.
(At present, one of these pricks lives on our street and whenever he drives past our section of the street, he lays on his horn to punish us for not tolerating his inconsideration.)
10. Threats of physical violence against us and our neighbors made by the same assholes.
11. People pulling up to park in front of my house to have sex in their cars.
12. People pulling over in front of my house, getting out and peeing on the sidewalk.
13. People randomly stopping and sitting in their cars in front of my house at all hours.
14. People trying to strip down my neighbor's Honda as it sat waiting to be towed by a friend after it was totalled in a wreck (undoubtedly caused by what I call "the Dohs").
15. One guy parking his piece of junk van full of contractor's crap in front of our house for days on end.

And the list keeps growing. Every time I think that I have seen it all, another outrage is visited upon us.
This is a middle-class, working neighborhood. This is normal behavior -here.
This place is evil. The people here are racists. They are completely ignorant and closed-minded. The drivers are worse than in Boston because they drive unaware of every other car.
The government is corrupt from top to bottom.
The police are cold and aloof with me, but friendly and open with people who are not white.

Why not leave? Leaving would be quitting. I will not leave until I finish what I started. When I am either forced to admit failure or able to accomplish my goal, I will leave this place and never return. Such is my loathing for it.


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