The Good News

There is something good to report:
The teaching term is over, and a three-week break is upon me!
(Even though I still have to teach on Wednesday nights and I have to study very hard for round two of the Prelims.)

Symbolically, at least, it is a relief. I endured another term, another semester, and I am in a position to survey what has come before.

The house looks good. New flooring will do that for a place. The pupps are as cute as ever, especially since L. has mastered the art of "Flo-beeing" them. Buster is simply too cute for words.

Graduation this term was better than previous terms. I have grown comfortable with my role in it. The reason for this is unclear, but I just felt relaxed the entire time. The photo-posing at the end was easier, the final good-byes to my students, the speaking on stage - it has all gotten easier.

So too has the teaching. My approach to grammar has grown steadily more scientific, yet it keeps a real-world tone to it. I guess it just becomes easier every time I do it. The students seem to appreciate it too. I think my love of grammar has made me somewhat of an authority on the matter.

Perspective on everything is the hard part. I've lost a lot of it. Where this fits in, how and why; these things are vexingly unkowable at this point. Transitions from something to something else; these events are often frightening and painful. And there is no certainty that any of it is right.

But for this exact moment, a sense of calm is almost nearby. As long as thinking doesn't crowd it out.


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