The Boston Marathon Bombings Were Not Faked

And yet, there are people out there who claim that there were not even any victims. There are people out there who claim that FEMA has actors who pretend to be victims. I read about how Jeff Bauman, the poor kid that got his legs blown off was some Afghan War vet who was just acting and that his grievous wounds were just a lot of plastic and makeup.
This is outrageous! It is EVIL. It needs to be, it DEMANDS to be opposed, fought against, obstructed, shouted at, fought at ever turn.
Because the victims are being victimized all over again for the selfish, sick pleasure of keyboard cowards, people who would never dare to shout their claims in the places these atrocities happened or in front of the homes of the victims. These cowardly people will scan the Internet to find all manner of photos to "prove" that the bombing was a fake, that the victims were actors, that the dead are not dead.
Imagine that you are Jeff Bauman, and you come across the ridiculous photos comparing you to a vet in a wheelchair, and some asshole fuck is claiming that you are that vet and that it is all a hoax. How would that make you feel? I know how it would make ME feel. It would make me want to find the people who made these fucked up half-baked bullshit claims and beat them with a baseball bat. for being such evil fucktards.
These idiots come out of the wood work now for EVERY FUCKING thing. They have "proof" or evidence or "facts" and when you look at their stuff, you see vague images and photoshopped bullshit. These assholes need to have a good and proper beating.
I want each one of them to choke on their own bile!
Don't these evil fuckers see how they hurt people with their bullshit? How do you think the families of the victims feel to see this shit out there? If I were a victim or a family member of a victim, I'd hunt these fuckers down one by one and show them MY FUCKING TRUTH. I would chase after them, hound them, scream at them, call them out for the idiotis, selfish, lame-brained, pussies they really are!
Why am I so pissed off at these puddles of shit?
Because this happened in MY TOWN. These are MY PEOPLE we are talking about. Even the Chinese student is MY PEOPLE. She was ESL, and I very well may have taught her if I had still been living and teaching ESL in Boston.
Sure, you can say that I am a hypocrite for not getting so mad at previous conspiracy theories like the 9/11 truthers. I have been pissed at them as well, but not like this. This hits me in my heart. This is MY TOWN. And besides, these asshats came out with their bullshit just minutes after it happened.
And the worst part of it is that these fuckers are making money off of it!!!!!
The likes of Ben Davis and Alex Jones are making money off other people's tragedies and they are fucking proud of it!
Alex Jones thinks he is some bad ass? I'll show HIM a badass!!!!!!
I'm from fuckin' Lynn, Massachusetts, asshole. I don't give a FUCK!
I saw that dickhead screaming on HLN. I saw him make gun owners look like a bunch of freaks. And this guy is at the head of the line on this conspiracy thing.
If he claims that the victims in MY TOWN were just actors, then that fucker is going to hear from ME. Somebody has got to stand up to these fucking asshole fucks.
Someone has to fight for what is right and true. Truth is with the people who suffered through this. Not with stupid fucking photos and videos and manipulated bullshit. Truth is in interviewing the families of the REAL victims. I see Alex Jones or Ben Davis do that, and I will finally have some respect for them. I DARE them to go to the families and call them liars.
Put up or shut up, assholes!!!!!


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