Getting Shots

Recently, I decided to look into the option of getting allergy shots. I asked around, especially on the FaceBooks, and found many an opinion in favor of getting them. So I made an appointment at my local allergy doc.
Now, I have gotten allergy shots before. I was eleven. I got the scratch test and virtually everything swelled up. I started getting the shots and my arm swelled up like a balloon, so I ended up stopping the shots.
Cut to 30 years later and I am back in the doctor's office, getting the scratches. Again, most everything came up and I was told I was a candidate for allergy shots.
Ya THINK??????
Hence, I began a regular schedule of driving up to Raleigh twice a week to get stuck in both arms --twice a week!! I get two shots in my right arm and one shot in my left.
Almost immediately, I noticed a stiff neck on my left side. At first, I thought it was related to some heavy lifting I had been doing around that time, but the pain persisted for over a week. Also, I started to feel pain in other muscle groups in my shoulders and in my arms. I even felt like I was getting arthritis in my hand! After three weeks of injections twice a week, I really started to wonder what the hell was going on!
I went online this morning and Googled "stiff muscles with allergy shots."
I found that there are a lot of people with this problem and they are in a whole lot better shape than I am, so I feel validated.
Does this mean I will stop getting the shots?
I will keep going until I can't take it anymore, or if the insurance coverage changes. The thought that I could rid myself of my allergies is too attractive to be swayed by not being able to turn my head to the left.
I'll keep going until I have some reason to stop, and after a reported FIVE years of this getting stuck in the arms business, I will hopefully be able to exist without a tissue box nearby at all times, without having to take an allergy pill every damned day, and without having drippy, watery eyes all the fricking time.
Now I wonder if I should get off my happy pill?????