Bike Asshole and Other Annoyances

Driving home from work today, I came upon two people on bicycles, riding side-by-side, the left rider in the middle of the lane I was driving down. They were not riding quickly, and the left-most rider was swerving back and forth between his girlfriend riding on the right side and the center yellow lines. I beeped as I got close, but the guy did not pull to the side to let me pass.
I pulled into the oncoming lane to pass, slowly, and as I did, I rolled the window down and said, "Y'all TRYING to get killed?" I noticed that they both looked poor or even homeless. The guy was bearded and had a ripped up trench coat. He yelled that they had every right I had to ride their bikes down the street where cars go.
I had already passed them and left him with a message that he was number one in my thoughts, let's put it that way.
Riding down the middle of the lane when the speed limit is 45 fucking miles an hour. I looked up the law on this and the best I can find is that bike riders have to move as far to the right as possible to let faster traffic pass. That guy was being a fucking dick.
That set me off, and ever since, I've been in a pissed-off mood.
That fucking asshole!
God, just once I wish I could be someone like my Dad used to know/be. . . .
So I get home and turn on the congressional hearing where Hillary Clinton is answering questions from the House of Representatives about what happened in Benghazi.
That did not make me feel any better.
The whole thing was a fucking show, with both sides doing what anyone could predict: The Republicans were mostly rude and attacked her, asking the same questions, while accusing her and judging her and ignoring anything she had to say. The Democrats praised her, hoped she would run again in 2016, and even praised her daughter. So half the people bitch-slapped her and the other half gave her a bean rubbing!
It was a complete waste of time, since the Accountability Review Board, an independent, nonpartisan board, issued a full report after months of investigation. She referred the congressmen to that again and again. She quoted it again and again. Nothing new was learned.
The only reason the hearing even happened is because the Republicans are desperate to make the Dems look bad because all they want to do is win the next election. They care nothing for the country or the people. They only care about their own success as individuals and as a political party.
The same is true of the Democrats, who would have polished her shoes if they could have, such was the insane level of ass-kissing they went to!

Political parties are complete bullshit.
You want to know what happened? Read the fucking ABR report!
I worked for the State Department. I was a Peace Corps volunteer. I know that a whole lot of overseas missions are fly-by-night operations and that a whole lot depends on the initiative of the people in-country.
The people who were killed were not forced to be there. They chose to be. Security for an operation like that was minimal, and it had to be so not to offend the host country nationals we were trying to befriend --not to mention the fact that the fucking Republicans didn't want us to be in Libiya to begin with!
The fuckers cut funding and oppose the very mission to that country, but then when people die, they are all about finding fault.
Where were they when 9/11/2001 happened?
Where was their mother-fucking indignation?
Thousands have died as a result of the negligence of their own fucking President, but they criticized any attempt to find fault with Bush and his fucking asshole cronies. Now when Obama is in office, they want to find fault with intelligence failures?
Are you fucking kidding me????
I fucking hate them all.

Oh, and naming your kid "Shithead," "Apple," or "Lemonjello" is fucking stupid.


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