Doing The I Pod Shuffle
So I've joined you, techno-savy rabble! I received a Nano as a gift, and I jumped into the next wave with both feet! Now, I'm sitting at the computer for lengthy hours, loading songs from CD's (how quaint!) and buying songs for a buck a pop at the iTunes store!
I'm hip! I'm with it!
So why do I still feel like a reluctant, old, techno-hating curmudgeon? Why, I'll tell you why, young whipper-snapper! It's because this is the 4th time I've seen the basic music medium change! I was born in the age of records and 8-track cassettes. Then, audio cassettes came out, and by this time, I was old enough to care. My sisters were screwed because they had the older format, and had to buy all new versions. Then, CD's came out and I was screwed too. I ended up buying close to 800 CD's and I even have a CD tower that holds up to 1200 CD's! Now what am I going to do with all those increasingly irrelevant disks? Keep them? I know I will for now, and for the same reason the record buyers held onto their big, goofy plastic disks for years and years: Unwillingness to accept new formats!
I'm clutching my CD's close to my ever-aging chest because I just can't accept that all the songs I put into my I Pod and computer will really stay there. Computers crash, hard drives go bye-bye. I've seen enough blue screens of death to know that computers are not all they're cracked up to be. I want something hard, something tangible; something I can put into a player and know that it will play.
See, don't I sound old!?
Don't bother answering, I'm not paying attention. I'm too busy downloading songs!
I'm hip! I'm with it!
So why do I still feel like a reluctant, old, techno-hating curmudgeon? Why, I'll tell you why, young whipper-snapper! It's because this is the 4th time I've seen the basic music medium change! I was born in the age of records and 8-track cassettes. Then, audio cassettes came out, and by this time, I was old enough to care. My sisters were screwed because they had the older format, and had to buy all new versions. Then, CD's came out and I was screwed too. I ended up buying close to 800 CD's and I even have a CD tower that holds up to 1200 CD's! Now what am I going to do with all those increasingly irrelevant disks? Keep them? I know I will for now, and for the same reason the record buyers held onto their big, goofy plastic disks for years and years: Unwillingness to accept new formats!
I'm clutching my CD's close to my ever-aging chest because I just can't accept that all the songs I put into my I Pod and computer will really stay there. Computers crash, hard drives go bye-bye. I've seen enough blue screens of death to know that computers are not all they're cracked up to be. I want something hard, something tangible; something I can put into a player and know that it will play.
See, don't I sound old!?
Don't bother answering, I'm not paying attention. I'm too busy downloading songs!