The Inflation Lie

I've written about this before, but it bears repeating:

The government is lying to us about inflation.
Either this, or the way they calculate it needs to change drastically.

Every day, I see on the news that housing prices have risen at a double or even triple digit percent, college tuition has gone up in the double digit percents, gas prices, automobile prices, health care - and the list goes on and on.

All of these skyrocketing prices, and they tell us that the inflation rate is something around 3 or 4 percent. It just doesn't add up!

I'm no expert on economic matters, but as a regular person with an average level of intelligence, it is plainly obvious to me that we are being misled. People have to work 2 or more jobs just to get by because they have gigantic rent or mortgage payments, huge health care bills, and or huge college loans to pay off (not to mention cell phone, home phone, and Internet charges - oh, and an ADT system, Life Alert, video games, DVDs, and all that other stuff that makes up a modern life that the government wants us to continue in this post-9/11 world).

Regular people are falling behind, and no one is doing anything about it. Not only that, no one is even talking about the fact that even though prices are through the roof, there is aparently no problem with inflation. When is the country going to wake up to this? When are we, as a people, going to get pissed off enough to change the status quo of burying our heads in the sand, as the situation slowly and steadily gets worse and worse?

I know, nothing will happen until it gets so bad, that there is no way to hide it from us any longer. It just seems to me that this day is a long way away because there are ever more means for us to be bedazzled by frivolity, and seduced by shiny new technologies. What's next, a pill that keeps us from caring about our own futures?
"Ask your doctor about Forgetra!"


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