Out of Dodge - Finally!

After 5 years of trying to like Hawaii and failing, we have finally gotten out of that terrible place. Sounds counter-intuitive to say it,"Hawaii sucks!" And those who have not lived there at the middle-class level or below it are never going to understand me when I say that Hawaii is a terrible place to live.
I have written many times about it, so one can look over these previous posts to get a sense of the pain we suffered there, but still, those who refuse to believe that Hawaii could ever be miserable and hellish will forever say that I am insane or irretrievabley cynical.
So be it.
I tried to make friends there, and 99 percent of the locals would not allow it. I would try to smile in a friendly way and nod hello to strangers everywhere I went, but they always either ignored me entirely or gave me a cold, unmoving glance and not return any hint of friendliness. When I did make friends, it was with mainlanders like myself, who would always end up moving back to the mainland because they just couldn't stand the place anymore. And now, I have done the same.
L and I have moved to North Carolina, and, my God, what a difference! Everything is so much better here! People are courteous and friendly, the food is tasty, and the drivers actually know that they are alive and behind the wheel!
Hawaii is cold to white people from the mainland - actually, most everyone from the mainland, but whites seemed to be singled out as being particularly unwanted.

Hawaii is uber-expensive. Local fools just pass it off as being the "paradise tax". Well, that "paradise" is not worth the gouge!
Hawaii has horrible traffic every day. Hawaii has the most stupid unaware drivers I have ever seen in my entire life. There wasn't a day that I didn't react in utter disbelief at the idiocy of those people.
Hawaii has crappy, crappy, crappy food. Plate lunch? Spam? No, these are obviously horrid; what I am talking about is the fact that nothing tastes rich or fresh. It all tastes just like container-brought old crap from the mainland. You get salad at costco that tastes like pictures of food, and then you go out to a restaurant and get the same damned costco salad - and you are paying good money to eat the same shite you bought yesterday for 10 bucks a bag!. If you want food that tastes like you remember food tasting on the mainland, you have to pay through the nose for it at the millionnaire type restaurants in Waikiki. And oh, how the local elite love to say how much better their food is, how better everything is from the evil mainland! The idiots have seldom if ever gone to the mainland they hate so much, and the very food they eat comes from that hated place! Hell, virtually everything you can buy there comes from the mainland, and yet, they hate it. Those contemptible, lazy-minded, idiotic jackasses!!
Hawaii has no professionalism at all. The types of things I saw for myself and that L. saw on a daily basis, and that passed for acceptible performance in a professional setting would get you sacked immediatly on the mainland. I can't even begin to recount all of the evil that I and my friends have witnessed in their so-called "professional" jobs! Augh! The memory of it will cause therapy-needing pain for years to come!
Then there is "home". After fighting mind-numbing, oft-times enraging traffic for up to 3 hours to get just 18 miles, you get home to find ants attacking everything in your kitchen. Complain about it and locals will look down at you for not knowing to put your sugar, peanut butter, flour, bread, and cereal in the refrigerator. You should not have to live in an environment where bugs of all shapes and sizes invade every nook and cranny of your life, all frigging year. Oh, and once you get home, and kill the bugs, and go through the mail and find that the stupid mail guy is still delivering mail to someone who has not lived there for 4 goddamned years, and after you tell the mushy-mouthed local on the other end of the phone that, no, for the 19th time, KIMO DOES NOT LIVE HERE!!!! You realize that:
People are complete assholes in Hawaii. It's a fact, and you better learn to live with it, you mainland scum (read this to mean: you dirty little, white, land-stealing son-of-a-bitch)!
Case in point: Younger locals love to blast their ghetto music, with no regard for who is in ear-shot. What's worse is that these faux-bad-asses have no idea what they are listening to, and that if they were ever in a real ghetto, the real thugs would show them the meaning of suffering. The idiotic pussies. They live with their mommies, in ever-extending "ohana" families until they are in their 40's or even older, allowing them to live rent-free, spening all their money on giant, gas-guzzling SUV's! Get a life, assholes!
Try to tell these "Loco" (local) petty-criminals to turn down their noise and have respect for the families living just feet from their thudding noise factories and they say, "Eh! Wheh you from?!" -which means, "since you are white, you are obviously not local and as such you have no right to speak to me at all; in fact, you have no right to even be here, except in a hotel as a money-spending tourist." Then, if pressed, they say, "Shut up, you fucking haole!" Yes, this is the land of Aloha indeed.
I went to the Pearl City Neighborhood board and listed 16 or more terribly ridiculous things I saw in what was supposed to be a quiet suburban area, and all I got was blank looks and even angry ones because I am a mainland haole and I am speaking up for myself and my community. Screw me!
To their credit, the ones who were involved in the neighborhood board were really inspiring, and they get nothing but respect and praise from me. Likewise, my neighbors on my old street were the best. I had nothing but love and respect for them as well. But in general, people in Hawaii were racist, rude, crude, uncaring and totally selfish, not to mention dumb as a bag of hammers.
Hawaii is an awful place to live, and if you are thinking of moving there, I advise against it unless you are a surf bum, a rich person or retired. Everyone else, stay away from that place; unless you want to go there as a tourist on a week's vacation, and be surrounded by smiling and fake-friendly locals, who are nice to you only as long as you are a paying, visiting tourist. Move there, and their masks come off.
I hated it, and I am ecstatic to finally be out of that place. As far as I'm concerned, the whole chain of islands could sink to the bottom of the Pacific, and I would not care one bit. Good riddance!
Coming up in a future post: My first impressions of NC are, at this point, 200 times better than they were this far into my living in Hawaii. I guess I was just in the wrong place. It is nice to finally feel at home!!!!!!


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