INFLATION "No, No, The Island Is Not Sinking!"

Here is something I have been thinking about in the conspiracy theorist part of my brain:
Gas prices are the highest they have ever been, supposedly.
The housing market has really jumped, so now it is getting harder and harder to buy a home, due to the high prices.
In my hometown of Lynn, Massachusetts, renting a crappy one bedroom apartment - and Lynn is considered by many snobs to be a dump - costs an astronomical sum of $900 per month! (This, for the priviledge of listening to gun shots and screaming crack ho's!)
Airline prices are soaring too.
Starting to see where this is going? . . .
The government tells us and the media obediently follow along in reporting to us that the inflation rate is low.
What acid trip of alchemy is being employed to arrive at this outrageous conclusion!?
It's like that Terry Gilliam movie where the heroes arrive on an island and break the taboo of no bloodshed. When the island starts sinking, the leader denies it is happening. The citizens follow him blindly and they all go, singing in denial, to their doom.
When is someone going to wake up and realize that the way they calculate the inflation rate is either seriously flawed, or someone is lying to us - or both!?
blub blub blub!


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