Screaming for Peace!

THUD-THUD-THUD-THUD goes the booming bass of the stereos parked out across the street and down the hill from my home. From more than a football field's length away, the hip-hop, reggae or Jawaiian music assaults the very fabric of my being. Turn up the tv, but still it thuds so loud, you can't think of anything else but running over there and setting fire to all of them in their suped-up little rice racers.

These ignorant assholes drink in the park, smash bottles, scream and yell, vandalize, and basically act like complete fools. They have no consideration for the more than thirty families living in victimized ear-shot of their assholery.

Last night, I called the cops - again, and after two hours HPD's Finest came and got them out. I just had to yell, had to go to the edge of the fence and scream my protest. "Welcome to Palisades, " yells back one of these cowards while sulking into his mommy-financed car, with his baggy pants down around his thighs, underwear exposed to the whole disgusted world. Another whines, "stop yelling," to which I reply, "Why?! You don't like the NOISE!?!"

These make-believe toughs, these two-bit thugs know nothing of the pain and suffering that went into the lyrics sung by their supposed heroes - heroes they would despise as "mainlanders", were they ever to actually attempt to live here. They have no understanding of anything outside their microcosmic coconut shell, and therefore have no right whatsoever to even own that music, much less blast it the way they do.

Yet there they are, night after night, being rude assholes, and calling us "Haoles" for bringing the fact so forcefully to their attention.

What's the matter with people here? Does no one else hear it? Do they all lock themselves away, afraid to make waves, afraid to speak up? I know they have to be bothered. Why are we the only ones who take a stand?

I've got to go back to what I have said again and again: people are fucking cows.
They line up, wait in silent discontent, take whatever whoever is giving, and not a peep comes out of them. I pass them daily on the street, in traffic, and at work, they surround me!

I don't care. I can't be silent.
Fuck those assholes.

"Aw look, I put a puka tru yo head!"


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