
What makes someone a Hawaiian? If you are born here? What about if you are the third generation born here? The fourth generation?
What's the point anyway? It comes down to our ape attitude toward anything "different" than us. "Localism", "Ethnocentrism", "Racism" - all are just we humans being our animal selves.
We kill each other over differences of accent: "The Shibboleth", religion: Israel, N. Ireland, India, Pakistan, race: white on non, black on non, brown on non, yellow on non, red on non, etc. We are so sensitive to difference, I am sure we humans have found justifications for all kinds of ridiculousness.
Kamehameha schools is fighting letting in a kid who is not "Hawaiian"? That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard! But it doesn't surprise me. He is not "Hawaiian", even if he is the umpteenth generation born here. Who decides? People who themselves can not claim birthrights here past 2,000 years ago. Who decides when one becomes indigenous?
On these islands, we are all dirty, foul, foreign "invasive species". On this planet, including every single solitary landmass, every single body of water, and every inch of sky, - WE ARE ALL INDIGENOUS.
Some speak of empowering the poor, underclass, underrepresented "native" Hawaiians and I reply, "What of all the other poor?" Poor knows no race boundary. What are we doing to help poor people in general? Why make it specific? This sounds selfish to me. I say we allow only the poorest of the poor to go to Kamehameha schools, regardless of "race", "ethnicity", or even the history of how many fools came, lived and died before you did. I think even Mrs. Pauahi-Bishop (an "aristocratic" woman whose inheritance came from a dreaded "haole" who had "enslaved" her people to make that money in the first place!) would agree with me. Isn't the point to help the underclass? Apparently not, since the OHA folks went and spent so much of that dough feathering their own nests.
The ultimate irony in this utterly ridiculous situation is that, in all probability, Kam schools employ any number of non-"native" people to teach their precious, carefully chosen flock of Neo-Nazis.
YES! Neo-Nazi is what I have to, in truth and fairness, call these people, based on the following quote from a wild-eyed student on the local tv news: "Seeing a haole walking around in my school is very unnerving!"
Can you believe this kid? Some adult asshole pumped this kid full of racial hatred and he isn't even old enough to drive! (To the cross-burning!)
Imagine a white kid saying, "seeing a n----- kid walking around my school is very unnerving!"
That kid and his family would be branded the worst Neo-Nazi, skinhead, kkk assholes ever; to be reviled and castigated beyond the powers of human rebuke! But if this kid is brown, it's okay.?
No. It is NOT okay.
Racism is EVIL. You can not sugar coat it; can't try to redefine it in some politically correct, facile way that attempts to hide its fangs. You can't disguise it in talk of ancestry. It is EVIL. It is PRIMITIVE. And it is the downfall of our species.
When the mushroom clouds rise over our puny little planet, poisoning everything for thousands of years, I think the universe will be better off for our having offed ourselves.


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