No Regular Coffee!!?

Went to the local version of Dn'D today, one owned by a sushi restaurant chain. Hey, at least they have one. "You get a free ball of SPAM with every third purchase!"
So anyway, I am in this place and I order a medium coffee with room for cream and sugar. (You see, I learned early on not to use the standard order accepted back in Boston, "Gimme a medium regulah," since they look at you totally dumbfounded.) The lady says, "What kine you want, decaf, vanilla or hazelnut?"
I say, "Do you have any coffee flavored coffee?" And she replies like its a ridiculous question, "No!"
No coffee flavored coffee.
At a Dunkin' Donuts.
My wife, terrified and confused, said, "isn't this one of the seven signs of the apocalypse?"
I agreed.
Get ready folks, the end is nigh!
I'll watch it as I sip my vanilla hazelnut coffee.


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