It just keeps getting better!
This weekend was another example of what it is like to be in this place. We decided to go to a party on the other side of the island. I didn't want to go because the crowd was not, shall we say, my kind of people. This place is overpopulated with the poseur-hippy, the quasi-intellectual, the politically correct issue-mongerer. "It's the turtle's ocean, man." "Native cultures must be preserved!" "Women's rights!" "Out and proud!" - These are just of a few of the types of token slogans I have heard recently and repeatedly. What is neglected is the utter hypocracy demonstrated by these following cows. Political activism is the new religion; its followers flock to meetings like so many fools before them - dumb, repetitive, shallow, ruled by the weak-minded and the tyrant alike. This place is just like everywhere else - corrupt to the core, yet everyone says this place is different, unique! UNLIKE the"MAINLAND". Nonsense. This retard-farm is more like their stereotype of the mainland than the actual mainland could ever hope to be.

So, returning from my digression, I went to this quasi-intellectual party. The praise went to drinking heavily and acting like an idiot. I immediately felt like leaving, but I wanted to get out, do something, socialize. At about midnight one of the hosts begins screaming in my wife's ear incessantly, at the top of her lungs, and for no apparent reason. It made my wife quite upset, herself screaming this fool into silence. What followed was a woman talking rag-time to my wife, while my wife made her way for the exit. Why did this person start to do this? Alcohol. At the age this woman is, drinking till drunk is immature, pathological, and nothing I want any part of. The social circle closes further. The last party we went to, Lorrie nearly got her arm broken by another drunken fool. This place never ceases to amaze me.

Last night came the yelling at the punks in the park with the ghettoized stereo pumping out bass so loud the house shakes. "Go back to the mainland you haole bitch!" came the reply. Lovely. I am feeling the aloha.
This morning, we had ants invading our kitchen cabinet - again. They found the honey. I told a friend of mine about this and she informed me that I can't own honey because the bugs will get into it. If I put it in the fridge it becomes almost useless. Do I want to live in a place where I need to defend every morsel from constant assault by onslaughts of insects of all shapes and sizes? Do I need to live in a place where rude, selfish, ignorant assholes play their shitty music at volumes loud enough to shake my home - and then call me racist terms while ordering me to move away?

What person with an ounce of sanity would willingly subject himself to this kind of constant torture? A graduate student with 3 years in and 2 years to go, who now regards this locale as a prison to be endured at great pain, rather than be enjoyed.
I find myself praying every day for the strength to carry on, each new insult making it harder and harder.


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