The Perversion of the Modern Work Ethic

Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, received praise for ONLY working from 9:00 - 5:30.
Apparently, she is a "time deviant," according to the article. How dare she leave early??!!
The article praises her for being so brave in this modern world where getting ahead means putting in extra hours and being constantly available.
While I am glad they praise her for not working even more than she already does, they ought to be castigating her for working as much as she does and excoriate society for its unrealistic expectations of the modern workforce.
What are we, slaves??
Are we owned?
Since when is it written that we have to put in 80 hours a week and be accessible 24/7 in order to be considered a competent employee??
Is this Korea, for god's sake!?
We are losing our humanity in this insane rush to be the biggest and best at everything.
For anyone who wants to put in that much time because it fulfills that person, I say, "Bravo!"
But to expect it of everyone?????
Hail no!
Perhaps I am showing my age or maybe you will think me lazy, but I believe in working smart, not hard. I am NOT my job, even though I may love what I do. When I go home, I leave my job at my job.
I am a human being, first and foremost, and as such, realizing that time is always slipping away and that life is short, I try the best I can to enjoy it as much as I can. Work does not constitute the sum total of my being.
I do not think everyone should be made to think thus. It is up to each of us as autonomous entities to decide for ourselves what kind of life we want to live.
Ahh, but this is fast becoming a fantasy. If we want to "compete" in the "modern world," then we must do as the Asians do. They work 100 hours a week, so we must follow suit, lest we fall behind.
Do I want to be a part of a world in which no one has personal time anymore and they are expected to spend every waking moment at their company's beck and call?

The older I get, the more my Frenchness seems to be slipping out!


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