Winter Hobby?

It would seem that riding my motorcycle in the cold has lost some of its old allure for me. I used to seek it out, enjoy it really. I even helped to start an international motovlog competition where people ride and vlog in the coldest temperatures possible! But the three or four opportunities I have had to ride this year, I have decided to stay in my warm and snuggly bed.
Last year, I did only one ride because I had a broken leg. But this year, my life has taken an even more bizarre and terrible series of twists and turns, and riding is really not high on my list of things to do.
However, all is not lost because I am rediscovering a hobby that totally obsessed me last spring: Shooting and gun collecting!!
After my Dad passed, I inherited his guns, which, coupled with the leg thing, left me with some tools to start a new hobby --which I did with gusto!
I traded a couple of times, fearing the wrath of my father's spirit, but realizing that he often traded as well, it wasn't like the guns had been in the family since the Great War or anything.
I ended up getting rid of the old six-gun-style revolvers my Dad grew up watching in cowboy movies, and I traded for guns I've always admired: Semi-automatic pistols.
I'd previously purchased a Sig Sauer P226 in 9mm back in my Hawaii days to fend-off any would-be home-invaders, but since buying it, I had seldom fired it. Then, I found myself watching Hickok45's YouTube channel and became interested with Glocks.
For years, I had wondered about the "plastic" guns and even thought long and hard about getting a 10mm Glock, finally settling on the Sig, which also had a polymer frame. And then, years later, I found myself trading for a Glock 30, compact .45 ACP. After this came a G 35 in .40, but I didn't like the length of the barrel and the feel of the recoil. Too wimpy. I wanted some pushback!
A few months later, I traded in the G35 and got myself a G21, a full-sized Glock in .45 ACP. What a beauty!! I even started to reload that caliber to save money and be somewhat prepared with skills I might need in the zombie apocalypse.
Alas, then summer came, and the heat, and the lack of money, and the crazy life I was leading, and I didn't go shooting much at all. Shame really.
Here we are, back in the winter, my life's insanity reduced only by a modicum of craziness, but I am enamored once again with the shooting sport.
What is the latest obsession I would like to add to my arsenal?
The AR-15, firing a .223 round and also a 5.56 NATO round.
There are MANY manufacturers of this weapon platform, so there is a lot to choose from. Also, the rifle is very customizable, and I, being a Harley owner, LOVE customization! I want a rail, light, back-up sights, grip-pod, and good optics. Of course, this is going to cost a lot, so I have to be careful. . .
Then, there is my long-standing drool-over gun, the HK 45, which I am hoping to get for significantly less than $900! Good luck with that one!!!
The range beckons me, and I am hoping to film my exploits. Maybe I can even rent these guns to try them out!
It's good to have a hobby. Keeps the mind on things other than my crazy existence.


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