Winter Hobby?
It would seem that riding my motorcycle in the cold has lost some of its old allure for me. I used to seek it out, enjoy it really. I even helped to start an international motovlog competition where people ride and vlog in the coldest temperatures possible! But the three or four opportunities I have had to ride this year, I have decided to stay in my warm and snuggly bed. Last year, I did only one ride because I had a broken leg. But this year, my life has taken an even more bizarre and terrible series of twists and turns, and riding is really not high on my list of things to do. However, all is not lost because I am rediscovering a hobby that totally obsessed me last spring: Shooting and gun collecting!! After my Dad passed, I inherited his guns, which, coupled with the leg thing, left me with some tools to start a new hobby --which I did with gusto! I traded a couple of times, fearing the wrath of my father's spirit, but realizing that he often traded as well, it wasn't...