Harley vs. The World

Watched some videos recently on youtube. That site is my porn, especially when it comes to Harley Davidson. On crappy days when there is no hope of riding, or when I have a free moment at work, I like to look up new and different versions of what I have, or I even scope out bikes I'd like to own some day.
One thing I've noticed both in the videos and the comments on videos is how many people hate Harley Davidson. When I looked up videos of the Blue Ridge Parkway, I saw all kinds of comments about how Harleys are junk, the company is junk, the riders are all followers and faux bad-asses, and how real men ride crotch-rockets that can go from zero to a billion in a tenth of a second.
I looked up videos of Ultra Classic Electra Glides and found comments on how this or that guy traded it in for a Honda Gold Wing so that he could, "keep up with my wife." I even ran into one of these hate-mongers in the parking lot at the gym. I was getting on my bike and a rice rocketeer was dismounting from his freshly minted warp-speed machine, and, far from being a snoot, I complimented his bike. He immediately launches into an almost religious tirade about how crappy my bike was. I told him that I believe people ride what they like, and that judgment is pointless. I added that for me, it isn't about speed or how low I can lean in a turn. He quickly agreed, saying he isn't a speed demon. Then, ten seconds later, he's praising how he can go from zero to 60 in 2 seconds. Obviously, he wasn't listening at all.
What aggravates me is how small-minded people are. They criticize anything that isn't what they choose. Ironic that they call Harley riders followers for not following their own version of what it means to be a biker.
And just what is that? What is a biker?
To me, it is any person who is on 2 or 3 wheels, who enjoys being out in the wind, who loves the road for all that it offers: adventure, a feeling of freedom, exploration, thrills, danger, and discovery.
I choose Harley Davidson because I like the old style bikes of yore. If I could afford one, and if it were still economically feasible to ride one regularly, I would own an old knucklehead, all dressed out. The classic bike is what I'm after in terms of what I ride, and when it comes to the ride experience, I definitely do not fall into the category of a race bike rider. I'm a touring rider, a cruiser too, wanting to take in the road at a more leisurely pace. I don't like a whole lot of speed, and I'm not turned on by zipping in and out of steep curves. (Mind you, I DO appreciate some HP when I'm at a light and I know the cager next to me is just drooling to cut me off when the light goes green. And I don't care what anyone says, my bagger is still fast enough to beat most cagers off the line or get me out of a dangerous spot or two.)
Ripping down the Dragon's Tail at Deal's Gap at triple-digit speeds is not my type of experience, and I see no reason to castigate a person for choosing my path, which is generally within 10-20 mph of the posted limit, depending on conditions. I do not look down my nose at them. They can ride as fast and as hard as they wish, so long as they don't put other people at risk.
So the next time you see someone on a Road King, or some such big-ol' bagger, don't think less of us for doing things our way, and we won't think less of you for yours. Just smile, wave, and play nice, because when it comes down to it, we are all out there with a common foe: cagers.
Those are the ones at whom we should be directing our energies, trying to improve safety for us all!


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