Officer Down Memorial Ride - Raleigh, 2007

This ride was to honor the memories of those law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty, and also to raise money to help the families of these officers. The ride stopped at the different memorials for each law enforcement agency: Raleigh Police, State Troopers, and the Wake County Sheriff's Department. About 300 bikes/bikers participated in this ride, most of whom were either in law enforcement or connected to it in some way. Everyone was very respectful, and the ride was conducted in a very safe manner, along winding, back country roads. The police escorts for this ride were expert at blocking traffic to make a safe path for us, and overall I think for my first group ride, I could not have chosen a better event. The only problem I had was that the lady on the rice rocket next to me was not maintaining the staggered formation, and she kept revving up and passing me, only to slow down again and get behind me. This was needlessly dangerous, and I ended up just staying wa...