CARY "Concentration Area for Relocating Yankees"

When I first came up to North Carolina from my Hellish existence in Honolulu, land of the retard anti-haole,I had no idea where the good and bad places were. In looking for a house, I asked as many people as possible where to go, and where to avoid. Almost unanimously, everyone said that I should live in Cary.

Apparently, Cary is very popular among people from up North. It is filled to the brim with them, in fact. I called a friend of mine who had lived there years ago, and he could not sing Cary's praises enough. Of all the possible places to move in the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill (the Triangle) area, Cary was deemed the best. In fact, Cary has consistently ranked among the top 10 places in the country to live.

I looked in Cary, drove around its confusing, circular streets, and I marvelled at how many people live there! It's like a city up North! The houses are pretty much all within 15 to 20 feet of each other, and everywhere you look there are cars, cars and more cars!

Why in god's name would anyone want to live in a place where the housing is so cramped and expensive, with restrictive covenants and neighborhood association dictators, and loads of traffic - consisting of the same Northern (M)assholes that you left in the first place?! I thought the reason for moving here was to escape the endless clutter and human cluster-fuck that has taken over so much of the North!

Every time I drive into Cary, I get tailgated and cut off. I get lost among all the crazily twisting streets, with nary a landmark since the ubiquitous mini-malls are all nearly identical. (Look kids, another Jamba Juice next to a Starbucks!) I can almost never find parking at any restaurant or pub, and when I get inside, I'm overwhelmed by how many Yankees fans there seem to be.

I guess I am one of the few who has to admit to a sincere disdain for Cary. Sorry folks! I know that will piss y'all off, but that's okay, y'all were probably pissed off anyway - as Northerners are wont to be. (As a perpetually pissed off Lynnah, I can sympathize.)

I would rather live in a more rural environment, where neighbors are friendly, houses are widely spaced apart, lots are large, and it takes at least 10 minutes to get to the nearest strip mall. (And the one I live near has a Dunkin's!) The whole point of leaving the urban clutter and suburban sprawl of places like up North, or in my case, like Honolulu, is to slow down, relax, and enjoy some peace and quiet! Why would anyone want to live with the same jerks we left behind?!

Anyway, as I get to know my area better, I am coming to the sad realization that it may be necessary to move even further south. The cancer-like disease of development is spreading in every direction, especially south of Raleigh. Eventually, I may even find myself in South Carolina!

But until that sad day, I'm happy to report that happiness can indeed be found outside of Cary, perhaps because it isn't Cary.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go to a pig pickin'!


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