Getting Out of Dodge

The time has finally come to abandon this dreadful location, so the preparation has begun:
Getting the house ready for sale.
Scouting new places to live.
Going home to recharge.
Soon, hopefully, we'll be heading off to new adventures, to places where we have more opportunities, to places where we can feel more at home than we've ever felt here.
What a contradiction it seems: to be so disdainful of such a place as this "paradise", but it is utterly true that the people are what ruin this place for us. The ignorance, the baseless superiority, the inflexibility and lack of professionalism, decency and courtesy - all of these aspects, coupled with the isolation and all its attendant costs, make for a very inhospitable place to live.

The only thing now is the waiting to leave. I've distanced myself from friends; I've left already in my mind, and in my heart. It isn't necessarily the right thing to do, but it is happening nonetheless.
This is the only thing I feel apologetic for, but at the same time, it is a fact that can not be avoided. No one who likes this place would want to be around me right now anyway, with my attitude...I just don't buy into the myth anymore.
I remain angrily and unalterably determined to obviate this entire "kama aina" existence.


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