Baggage Claim
We each have our own "passions" to bear, and mine includes the baggage that got stowed away in the overhead compartments of my psyche, where "the past comes alive!"
I started to really notice it a few nights ago while my wife and I and some new friends were making teams to play trivial pursuit. When our friend E. ended up on my team, she said, "Yay! I got the SMART one!" - and she meant it! This struck me as something that would have gotten a huge laugh back "home". Me, the smart one? Baahhhh!
In this place, no one knows my past; they only see my present, and they actually see me as intelligent! The stigma of being the geeky, big-nosed flunky in my k-12 days has never left my psyche. Even now, I struggle to keep those old lingering ideas from undermining my confidence. At one time, being seen as the the "air-head" or the "absent-minded one" was so normal to me, that when our friend said what she did, it ...