Still Mad

The recent slap in the face is still smarting. Judgement of the kind forced upon me is very painful. I am entirely against hurting people, and this way of doing so is the most deplorable, since education is supposed to help, not hurt. Everything I learned as a teacher tells me that what happened to me, what routinely happens to students in my position is wrong.
Teaching a subject without teaching about how to teach is irresponsible. The result is the kind of hurtful system to which I have been subjected.
What's more is the insulting way in which those in positions of power treat those deemed less than the powerful. The arrogance I have seen is still stunning to me. It is hurtful and it is unjustifiable. It serves as a reminder of how not to be, both as a teacher and as a person.
I shall struggle on, but now, with anger and contempt in my heart. I no longer enjoy this path, but I must persevere. Out of spite, I suppose, I shall continue.
Having struggled so hard, having fought for so long, having seen the evil in the hearts of those who are supposed to help, it can be guessed that I am rightfully infuriated.
For those of you "educated" types who would look to correct the above statement, perhaps even in a snide way, I say: "Shame on you for being such an elitist! Your kind are the reason for the oppression of billions of people throughout the history of the world. You are evil, and you deserve nothing but punishment."
Teachers are not supposed to hurt you, but they do -the NAZI bastards.


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