P.C.-ness, The New Opiate Of The People

People are just dumb.
Who cares where whoever was born?
Ain't we all human in the end?
So you were born a Hawaiian/something else, so what?
"Oh, I'm poor because my native Pacific culture isn't being respected!"
What of those non-Waianae-born Hawaiians from Hawaii Kai?
They have no trouble "adapting" to the "dominant ideology" of the dreaded Haole. (And just who is this anyway? Me? But I am the result of 800 long years of English oppression of my ancestral home island of Eire! Surely I, an oppressed Irishman whose native language was murdered, whose native culture was crushed out of existence, whose religion was made anathema, whose ethnic identity, for what it is, is continually ridiculed and insulted, and whose native island is still, to this very day, divided by a foreign power, can't be included in this group!)
It isn't so much a culture stomping on the neck of another culture, as it is a higher class stomping on a lower class.
Framing it as cultural and racial only serves to shift the focus from the real issues:
Those who do not have these are eternally screwed, no matter culture nor color.
Preserving native cultures?
So far, it has only been preserved in-so-far as it makes money off of the unsuspecting tourists.
Most "locals" are about as traditionally Hawaiian as most 3rd generation Irish-Americans in New York!
Cultures die as a result of individual choice, just as much as from official policies designed to kill them.
We choose the shiny new thing and abandon what we think has become obsolete.
Are we right to do this? Who can say?
It happens. It ain't gonna stop happening.
Get over it and finish your KING-size extra value meal - Brah.


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