Watching TV.
Brain empties out, and is filled with dreams of cheeseburgers, firmer abs and sex with the perfect people.
We arrange our rooms in such a way as to make that box with the thick glass the center of attention.
In the olden times, people faced each other.
But isn't it grand!
To watch and learn, be horrified, amused, aroused, bored, lulled -fattened.
I avoid it, yet when it is in my field of view, I can't deny its power. I love it and fear it. It wastes me, and I know it, yet I return daily.
Truth is, life is a responsibility I don't want to deal with sometimes, so on goes the box. Like a cheap bottle of booze, it "coats, soothes - relieves"!
And why should I 'make use' of my time?
Why do I need to read something important or study, or build something or change the world?
Why is life supposed to be filled with activity?
Maybe this is blasphemy, but it might be a good idea to just do nothing.
Nothing is good, sometimes.


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