M7's Musical Journey

I almost got fired. Almost canned because I told the truth, was too transparent, and apparently, in describing my department, I made another department look bad (though I said nothing bad about that other department). If I simply describe my department and how we help people, and students can deduce things for themselves, I get in trouble. This came after 7 years of fighting for my program, my people. All my efforts have been received as "poor professional judgment," though what magic tablets they are working from are a mystery to me. I've been told to do immoral, wrong, unethical things, but since they are not illegal, I have no choice. It's "do it or get canned." Throughout all of this and the most challenging time in my career and my life (with idiopathic anaphylaxis), I have sought solace in music. I listen to my favorite musicians, emulate them as best I can, and practice as often as possible, focusing mostly on bari sax and bass guitar. I even starte...