What the Hell Is THIS Crap?!

Let's categorize the latest happenings in 2023: 1. February--?? Anaphylaxis. I have had 12 anaphylactic reactions since Februrary of this year. The first one nearly killed me. The second one was almost as bad. The third one was pretty bad as well. Epi Pen saved my life the second 2 events. The ambulance crew saved me that first time. Reason? What reason to cause this? Was it food? No. Was it medication? No. Was it mold? No. What was it? Nobody knows. I had 11 vials of blood taken out of me to be tested for mutations, cancers, etc., and nothing came back as the cause. I have the lovely idiopathic variety of this condition, meaning that at any given moment, my body can go into anaphylaxis and kill me. I recognize the signs now, so I take a handful of diphenhydramine (Benadryl) and hopefully it stops. If it doesn't, then I resort to my Epi pen and another visit to the E.R. 2. Next up: Weight Loss. After the cardiac doctor looked flummoxed about my heart enzymes after anaphylaxis...