Change: Road King to Ultra Classic

I learned a few things owning a 2005 Road King. Here is a list of those things that I have learned in no particular order and with a great deal of divergence along the way because I just don't care to be all organized and shit. First and foremost, I learned not to have two separate brands of tires on my bike. That was a bad idea. Everyone says it is fine, but I think not. Right after I bought that Metzler, I crashed. I will not make that mistake again if I can help it! The tires were not very scuffed in. They were cold from sitting a long time outside as I taught inside. The lot was unfamiliar to me and I didn't think of the sand and gravel on the pavement. It was dark. I leaned too aggressively and Blammo! Broken leg, broken life. Another thing I learned is that I don't like being uncomfortable. I used to not mind it so much. It made me tougher, I thought. Pussies want comfort. Well then call me a pussy. I want comfort. My old back rest was not very restful. It had a h...