Why I Got a Tattoo

After many years of thinking about getting a tattoo and after many ideas coming and going, I finally made the leap and got a tattoo. Originally, I wanted a Red Sox tattoo, until my wife at the time pointed out that it would be akin to getting a Coke tattoo. So that idea was out. I also wanted a Harley tattoo, but it would have been even more like Coke, so that was out. I thought about getting a combination tattoo that had elements of different things I love, but that fizzled. Then came my broken leg and the scars that came with it. I figured that I could get a tattoo on my leg since it was already messed up. So I thought and thought about what to put. . . And then I got the idea to get a heritage tattoo. So my tatto is a combination of ideas: 1. Tribute to my Irish heritage. 2. Tribute to my Father. 3. Interpretation of my name. 4. Superstition. 5. Reminiscent of my scarring. 6. Reminder of my accident and fragility. 7. Evocative of my profession (i.e., linguistics becau...