Reactionism in America and Jared Lee Loughner

As horrific and unbelievable as the shootings in Arizona have been, I have to say, sadly, that nothing could have prevented them. "What??!!" you say? Rachel Maddow seems to make a connection between his drug use and the shootings. She also seems to make a link between his troubles at Pima CC and the shootings, indicating that these were warning signs that could have or should have been used to keep him from buying a gun and ammo. I hate to sound so callous, but I have to quote Sex and the City: "Coulda, woulda, shoulda!" Look, the JLL's of the world are always going to be out there. Sure, we need to try and get to them and either lock them away or drug them silly before they get to hurting others, but in the end, it is an impossible task to get them all. The reactionism on the TV now shows a hue and cry for new laws: Ban guns! Ban large ammo clips! Lock nutcases away!! We can't ban guns in this country. We just can't. To do it w...