Tibia-Fibula Twist-Fracture in Motorcycle Accident

November 1, 2010, 9:35 PM. I exited the building where I work at night, teaching an Adult Basic Education class for Wake Tech. It was a new site, and the weather had kept me from riding my bike for the three months I had been teaching there. Finally, the weather was good, and this night, I walked out to my bike to ride home. I had wanted to get in my first cold-weather ride of the season in preparation for a long winter of riding. Winter is my favorite season to ride, and I was eager to get started after a long, hot summer stuck inside in the AC at home and work. I was also eager to participate in the Polar Bear Challenge, an informal challenge on Youtube where riders around the world ride and make motorcycle video logs (motovlogs)of their trips. The winners are those who ride the most, go the farthest in a season, and ride in the lowest temperatures. So here I was, walking out to my bike, parked directly in front of the school building where I taught that night from 6:30 to 9:3...