
Showing posts from January, 2009

It's 18 Degrees, and I'm Riding My Scoot Without a Windshield!!!

Two years ago, I was a very new rider, and I was eager to get as much experience as I could on the road. At least, that is how I justified to myself the fact that I was riding in weather that is too cold to stand in, let alone ride a motorcycle! I have no such out this time around - two years later, 18,000 miles more experienced, and having no excuses to turn to. I simply have to admit to some form of mental dysfunction, or the simple incapacity to utilize rational thought. Perhaps it is just my base desire to affect some sort of macho posture: "I can ride in weather so cold, penguins step back and say, 'DAMN!'" I don't know what it is that has motivated me recently. All I know is that, the colder it has gotten, the more I've wanted to ride in it - and without a windshield!!! So the temperature dips down to the lowest level it has been in years. It's 18 degrees, and the meteorologist is warning everyone to stay inside lest their flesh freeze solid. ...