February Blues

What a lousy month this is. The temperature hovers around freezing, it gets dark way too early, the landscape is blandly absent of color, everyone is sick, and it is often too cold to ride my scoot. Today, I missed a whole morning of teaching due to a sinus headache, and as I lay there in pain and fits of nausea, all I could think about was getting on my bike and riding. I finally got my leather over-pants back from my second tailor, so I can be protected from the wind. I bought a second Under Armor shirt to wear over the old one, adding a layer for warmth, and all my other gear is very well suited to the colder weather, but I'm sick, and, even if I weren't, I would still have few places to go - places that I would want to see are all a day's ride away. Complain complain complain. The older I get, the more I want to ride. I think this is my midlife crisis residue. When I was a kid, I'd ride with my best friends Chris and George, and we'd go far and wide, even tre...