My Red Sox Obsession
I went to see "Fever Pitch" when they were holding a sneak preview at the local theatre (in an old pineapple factory), and I was struck by the level of fanatacism displayed by the accoutrements of the main character. But I wasn't struck as much by the ridiculous level to which his Sox mania soared, as by the stark, raving mad envy it caused in me. I want that stuff too! Ever since the ALCS, I have been thinking more and more about my beloved Sox. It is still amazing to me that they/we accomplished such legendary feats last october. I've become more and more rabid as each day passes. It started with t-shirts, then team jerseys, then flags, and now I am hungry for anything BoSox! I'm tempted to buy pins, placemats, pictures to hang, seat covers, car accessories and more . . . It is becoming an all-consuming desire! And I must admit to feeling a bit guilty. This happened during the post World Series celebration at our favorite pub. This guy comes up to me an...