
Showing posts from November, 2004

Entering The Forest

Going to be lost in words soon. Their towering importance will cast me into profoundest shadow! The words of scholars shall fill up my head to leafy suffocation! These scholars purport to know, and purport to know more than all the other scholars who came before, including the ones they quote and agree with - to a point. What comes before is always the basis of future refutation. The secret to success in filling others' heads with my words is to buld my refutation on the works of others. I'm learning! The desire is the thing. This environment is lethal to it. It isn't a direct result of the balmy climate; it's the isolation. A million or more people all isolated together. The distance from reality is stunning, and there is a limit to the amount of unreality one can witness before becoming purposefully unaware - for that is an effective way out, when stuck within the nutshell that is this place. Actually, it is an enigma, wrapped in a coconut, shoved ...


The latest round of events has me at a crossroads. I am different from the majority, and this fact is very troubling, since, in my view, the majority is heading towards irrationality on a grand scale. The events by which we measure our current history compared to our "blissful" and "decadent" past have altered the popular thought and made it reactionary and fear-based. The rage which provides fuel for current actions and opinions is most troubling of all in that the weapons of this rage are so much more serious than in previous epochs. As ever, I fear that we have disinherited our place in the grander scheme, and we are doing everything to seal our fates with those of our saurian predecessors. I suppose the only thing to do now is fret uselessly, biology taunting us to the bitter end. Or perhaps I could join the growing theocracy and, through its opiation, obviate my own consciousness? Sorry, this is as yet impossible. "Joining"is anathemic to ...