Music, Saxophone, Bass Guitar, and My Third Act

Today is a Monday, and I don't want to work. I even asked MS CoPilot how I can get rich without doing anything so that I can stop working, and it chided me, that saucy bot! Well, since I am forced to work until I retire (hopefully) in 9 years, I will continue to struggle with the fact that I no longer love my job, I do it because I have to, and I would much rather devote myself completely to music and art. This made me go online and listen to an interview on YT, featuring a guy I had never heard of who says that he never approached music trying to be like someone or even trying to be "good." He said he just heard stuff he liked and started to do similar things on his own. He talked at length about how he got into music and how he's developed over time. It opened my eyes to a couple of things. First, there is Discord. I need to look into that more. Apparently, I can stream live chats, join others' live chats, and start my own thing. Maybe I can even meet other p...