
Showing posts from January, 2014


Sometimes I rummage through the past. I pick out the old pieces and think about what hasn't been in . . . Who I was. Who I became. Who I have become. What I lost. And I realize I rode for more than the reason I had placed before me. And I went down. From my hubris. My abdication. Some things that I have felt. That I have been Never could change. And the road that came after was always harder than I imagined it could be. So now "the springtime of my life's time" has turned the other way. And then some. And I have gone on and lost and lost and gained as well. And I see my journey was more a drifting towards an uncertain future. Pleasure, pain, anger, and the lot, I have endured, carried, and laid down. Because I simply decided to let it go. But ever so less often, things come back to haunt me, in that old familiar way. And I realize My old addiction is still here. Here to stay.